Door handles – Style and Practicality


Interior door handles – the importance of combining practicality and design

Attention to detail is essential, especially when the time comes to finish a project. That detail makes the difference you were so desperately looking for, to complete the project you have dedicated your time to.
This could be the case with door handles. When it comes to choosing the most suitable door to put in a room, at first one does not think that door handles have much relevance, when in fact it is the exact opposite. In addition to assessing practicality and functionality, it is right to pay attention to the aesthetics of this object, especially as one can now indulge in the shapes and materials available, making it a true design element.

The importance of combining practicality and design of door handles may not be easy for people who have no experience, which is why we have thought of providing you with a small guide that may be useful for your project.




maniglie porte

First of all, how do door handles differ from each other? Certainly, they can be different in terms of shape, handgrip, and materials, all variables that need to be taken into account and adapted according to the overall design.

Handles are basically an element that allows a door to be opened and closed with ease and it is often combined with a lock for privacy or security reasons. They may consist of a lock escutcheon, i.e. the round or square profile surrounding the handle, or a rectangular profile plate. In the first case, one may choose to include a lock slightly lower, with the same profile as the one chosen for the escutcheon. Whereas in the case of the rectangular plate, the lock is already an integral part of the block.



There are three types of handles: horizontal, vertical, and recessed. When you have a horizontal handle, as the word itself suggests, you have a handle parallel to the line of the floor; in the case of a vertical handle, the handle will be perpendicular to the line of the floor; a recessed handle, on the other hand, consists of a hole that can be round, square or rectangular, which forms the handle itself and it is mainly used in sliding doors.

It is good to bear in mind, when talking about handles for sliding doors used in bathrooms on public or commercial premises, that the choice of lock is important: you must choose one that can be locked from the inside but that can easily be unlocked from the outside in case of emergencies or if you get stuck inside.

As far as handle materials are concerned, certainly the most common is metal, usually steel or aluminium, but they can also be found in wood, glass, porcelain, or plastic.

In addition, the materials chosen are usually subjected to further processing, so that fine finishes and specific colours can be obtained, such as bronze, brass, polished or satin chrome, and many others.


Door handles – Practicality without sacrificing style


maniglie porte


It is essential to be aware that deciding which handle best suits the style of your door is not a secondary choice it is the opposite. It is just as important as any other piece of furniture in your home. After all, interior door handles – like so many other pieces of furniture – have undergone a change in design over the years, adapting to a more modern, minimalist, and elegant style, without ever neglecting the practicality that makes it easy to open the door.

For example, in the case of pocket sliding doors, it is important to choose a handle recessed into the door leaf so that no protrusions are created that could prevent the natural sliding of the door inside the counter-frame. You can certainly choose the shape, material, and colour that best suits the style of the door.

In the case of an external glass sliding door, for example, the choice of a handle with a vertical orientation, without a lock, and made of aluminium or any other metal finish would be a valid option in terms of practicality (an easier grip) and aesthetics (elegant and minimalist).

Whatever it is your final choice, do not forget the importance of relying on professionals and experts in the sector, we at Eurocassonetto will always guide you step by step and with professionalism in the design and realisation of your project.


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EUROCASSONETTO – Controtelai per porte e sistemi scorrevoli a scomparsa.

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